Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dairy Free Milk!

This delicious and healthy milk alternative is super easy to make.

-1 cup of cashews or almonds 
-4 cups of water 

Step 1: Soak your cashews or almonds in water for a couple of hours.
Step 2: Drain your nuts.
Step 3: Combine your soaked nuts and 4 cups of water in a blender (I use a Vitamix) and blend until it is smooth and creamy. 
Step 4: Pour the blend into a mesh nut milk bag over a bowl and squeeze so all of the milk is in the bowl and the nut pulp stays in the bag. 
Step 5: Pour your delicious milk into a pitcher and enjoy! (You can dispose of the pulp or use it for something else!)

Nut Milk vs. Dairy:

-Dairy is bad for your skin and can cause breakouts 
-Nut milk is only 40 calories per serving opposed to regular milk which contains 146 calories per serving 
-Nut milk is also lower in fat (3 grams per serving unlike regular milk which contains 8 grams per serving)

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